How to get the B&B il Portico

The Adele's bed & breakfast is in the area of Stio, in the Cilento National Park.

Whe are in:
via Garibaldi, 1
84075 Stio (Sa) - ITALY

GPS coordinates: 40° 18.526' N / 15° 15.119' E

The place of the B&B is indicated with a placeholder on the map.
To reach Portico B&B is simple:

» By CAR: From the A3 Motorway (Salerno-Reggio Calabria) take the Battipaglia exit, then take the SS18 towards Agropoli, take the exit for Capaccio. Drive towards Capaccio and follow the road through Trentinara, Monteforte, Capizzo, Magliano Vetere and then Stio. This is the quickest route (1hour and 15 minutes from Battipaglia), and the most scenic, though there are a few bends.

The more straightforward, though longer (1 hour and 45 minutes) route is, as you are on the SS18 towards Agropoli take the exit for Vallo della Lucania. Then proceed through Angellara, Pellare, Moio della Civitella and then Stio.

» Con BUS: Take the Stromillo line bus from Salerno at Piazza della Concordia, opposite the train station.
This leaves at 5:45, 11:00, 13:50 and 19:10, but only on working days.

» Con TRAIN: The nearest train station is Vallo della Lucania-Castelnuovo Cilento.
By prior arrangement Adele can pick you up in her car
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